World’s recognized richest man says is stranded in Kigali Rwanda an African country over what he calls bias and contemptuous deeds intending to rather eliminate him.

Timothy Muvunyi Nkurunziza son to Fidel S. Mulinda and mother Dorothy Kantarama was recognized and awarded by Lottery International after emerging the world’s first and only personality to have started from a few Rwandan Francs to then become the richest individual on the planet.

At the awarding ceremony which took place in New York the United States was his mother and Lottery International leaders.

During the ceremony, like on other important occasions, American and other Multinational news media made interviews with him including CNN, Fox news, Washington Post, The New York Times, Forbes Magazine, Time Magazine, MSNBC,CNBSC to name a few.

Also media in Rwanda where lives broadcast news about his success stories and fortune. Media reported news about his agreements with different governments in Africa including Rwanda.

TNM, his acronym name, had, however, survived several attempts on different occasions in Rwanda intending to rather assassinate him and tarnish his reputation. The crimes were committed by Rwanda’s security organs including the Rwanda Defense Forces, Rwanda National Police and later the Presidential Guard Brigade members.

He surely knows the PGB officers that were present at the murderous scene on the junction between or linking Kimironko market and Amahoro stadium where his flat housing Simba Supermarket is located.

All but a few crime scenes took place at the very same spot between July 17 2018 to December 2018.

Just on the same main way, on the right side towards Kigali city, there is a bar called Liquor Bar where he in fact invited and met different journalists from media houses in Kigali to have news about him reported on a broader scene.

The scars inflicted by Rwandan security organs

He had journalists report of the signing ceremonies between government entities and different companies.

But from that year, 2018, TNM’s news stories are not  in any news archives be it on youtube for different TV stations, newspapers, websites, news magazines, amongst a myriad of communication portals.

Media people had were present at the Rwanda National Bank signing ceremony in 2018, the MTN signing ceremonies, name a few.

They refused or were order/told not to report of the news about TNM for security and judicial reasons, he makes note.

“First of all they were two CCTV cameras at the junction where the crimes were committed that are now not on the same two electric poles. Secondly the CCTV images could have narrated how the PGB, RNP,RDF beat and short and maimed and humiliated me by stripping naked in front of all the people the tearing parts of my limbs and spitting and abusing me ‘HADUYI TUMEMUWUWA LEO-We have killed the Enemy today’. The images keep the videos of my EXPENSIVE Vehicles that were being driven towards a parking in Kimironko.”

TNM was the only first man on the African continent and in the world to import thousands of America vehicles including expensive Rolls Royce Phantom Limouscines, Cadillac Limos, Auston Martins, Lamborghins, Humvees, Rockheed Martins, Man Lorries, Ferraris, Hummers, among many.

The vehicles were being driven towards the parking at the former Kabuga Felecien’s land in Kimironko which now accommodates a police detach which TNM had bought for the same purposes.

He also had bought parkings in the former Industrial Area and the Kigali Special Economic Zone located in Masoro in Gasabo district.

At the different crime scenes attempting to kill TNM were different journalists including news reporters, broadcasters and photojournalists which were also  filmed by the main way’s CCTV on the two electric poles before Engen petrol station and Simba supermarket.

The cameras were removed later by the security organs after the crimes with intent to hide evidence.

“Not the CCTV images are important to me and to investigators and others but also the news stories and the photos that are in the hands of the journalists which were not made public for unknown reasons or even the same security and judicial reasons.”

For instance during a crime scene that involved a scuffle with a PGB Col. Frank N. there was his new Rolls Royce Phantom Limouscine white in color where the CCTV captured images of how TNM was offended and some of his dollars thrown away and looted by onlookers. CCTV can now show how the lady that was paid money to get away from the Limo gestured to the PGB officer to beat,shot and kill TNM.

CCTV images comprise those of the vehicles that were driven away by police, locals including thieves stealing them together with bags of money and other IT,ICT stuff in them.

“My properties were not confiscated because legally were not in any wrong. I was being driven by chaffeurs that I hired. The vehicles were legally imported, registered by Rwanda Revenue Authority even with private numbers including names like TIMO,TIMOVZ,CIL CAL,CHIL CHAL, TIMTAM,to name. The first number plate was for my Range Rover RAD110U and then others.”

Some of TNM’s vehicles the Blue Bugatti with TIMO,the Lamborghin, the Humvees

Today some of the TNM’s vehicles are being ‘illegally owned and driven in Kigali’ by people he calls thieves because personally he did not sell any of them to anybody.

Other vehicles are said to be illegally owned by his purported relatives that also were accomplice to the murderous attempts in 2018. The vehicles include his blue,white and other colored Bugattis, the blue one has number plate TIMO which a Rtd.Jacob Murindangabo illegally confiscated after having his demobilized former escorts shooting him.

TNM says the same people’s relatives in Kampala Uganda refused to send his Range Rovers and other vehicles that should be in Kigali Rwanda.

“There were also four helicopters, two cargo planes and one Gulf Stream 65 plane consigned to me in the same year which now I don’t own or use because of refusal to hand my documents to me by my mum incited by her relatives including the retired RPA officer. The same officer openly told PGB when he was called to confirm whether I am his relative or if he knows me-was a ‘guardian’-but said he ‘did not, doesn’t know me’ which off course had me beaten and shot and disfigured.”

The same retired major has been, according persistent allegations by locals, ordering banks which belong to TNM and keeps his money to change his account numbers to his Late father’s names Antoine Murindangabo not comprised in my agreements and legal documents.

TNM says the retired officers is fond of illegally confiscating his properties and getting away with it because he seems backed and influenced by government.

However, TNM insists that being a Lender and Party to different Government MOU’s and an Investor,  VIP, he should not be offended by the retired officer and his relatives and friends that continue to illegally keep him away and stranded from his businesses and agendas.

TNM met the President of Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya and different others which is something that should not stimulate any offenses including starving him of his finances and in so doing virtually incarcerating him.

He urges the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guetteres whom he met in New York,US in 2018 during a signing ceremony to make resolve interventions with the Rwandan Government over his finances that were transferred and consigned together with the vehicles to Kigali.

TNM says that without the UN intervention he remains is persistent danger enticed by government.